The NIHR BioResource is a recallable resource of more than 300,000 volunteers, with and without health conditions who have agreed to take part in health-related research.
We manage large cohorts of participants with different common and rare diseases and across the general population.
We support researchers from industry and academia with:
- participant recall by genotype or phenotype
- provision of genetic and/or clinical data
- stored samples: DNA (blood/saliva), plasma and serum
- recruitment of volunteers for research studies and early-phase clinical trials.
By screening our participants for genes and/or phenotypes of interest we enable research that would have otherwise proven too costly or time-consuming to happen.
The aim of the NIHR BioResource is to further health research within the UK. We help research organisations with volunteer recruitment, specifically by genotype and/or phenotype.
We offer researchers the chance to select participants for studies based on their genetic make-up or on other characteristics, such as markers in their blood cells.
Our unique panel of participants has enabled researchers from around the world to make significant discoveries.
You can select participants based on defined characteristics, refining your analysis and increasing the chances of success.
There may be some costs involved.
Through the NIHR BioResource, researchers can choose participants based on their genetic make-up or on physical characteristics, such as markers in their blood cells.
This approach to participant selection can deliver advantages in refining a study to focus on the most suitable people. Resources in time and cost are saved in comparison to a broader recruitment strategy which relies on screening activities that the BioResource could otherwise undertake prior to participant enrolment.
For example, in a programme studying a common genetic variant that occurs in approximately 1 in 10 people, researchers would have to recruit about 500 participants to find 50 with the genetic variation of interest.
The NIHR BioResource approach is more time efficient: with 250,000 participants ready to take part, the process of identifying the 50 research-ready volunteers is far simpler and more efficient.
Our effort can be focused on identifying the participants needed for your study. If you submit a request, we can screen genetic or clinical data in advance of participant selection in line with the required criteria.
Consequently, we only invite to take part those people who have the genetic and/or phenotypic prerequisite that is important to your study. Valuable research is now possible into the causes of many diseases that previously would have proven too costly or time-consuming.
Our aim is to make your research more efficient.
The BioResource can support your research by providing clinical and/or genetic data, providing samples of DNA (blood/saliva), plasma or serum or by supporting you to recall our volunteers to take part in your research. Recall can be in the form of providing fresh samples, completing online questionnaires or taking part in a clinical trial.
To find out how to apply for support follow these links:
Our cohorts cover three main areas: common diseases, rare diseases, and general population, which includes our programmes based on demographic criteria such as age or ethnicity. Due to the specialist work needed to support COVID-19 research we also have a dedicated COVID-19 cohort.
Common diseases
Common diseases affect more than 2% of the population, often across age groups. Our national programmes are Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) BioResource, Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases (IMID) BioResource, Mental Health BioResource and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) BioResource.
Rare diseases
We aim to identify genetic causes of rare diseases, so improving rates of diagnosis, and enabling studies to develop and validate treatments.
We recruit affected participants and their relatives across several disease areas, including infection and immunity, neuroscience, rare cancers and cardiovascular disease. View our full list of rare disease projects.
We have created the DNA, Children + Young People's Health Resource (D-CYPHR), with the aim of getting young people involved in research.
Since most research is carried out in adults, D-CYPHR will help us understand the origins of disease, which often starts in childhood, as well as identify ways in which to prevent illnesses prior to adulthood.
Improving Black Health Outcomes (IBHO) BioResource
The IBHO BioResource is our newest research programme is focused on improving our understanding of health conditions and their unique impacts on Black communities. Anyone from Black ethnic backgrounds is eligible to take part, including a specific focus on Sickle Cell patients.
We created a special COVID-19 BioResource to support the rapidly expanding research in this field from early 2020 onwards.
Many vital discoveries were made using the COVID-19 BioResource and it remains open to researchers to access. We are no longer recruiting volunteers to this programme.
General population
We have over 125,000 general population volunteers made up of generous members of the public who want to help with medical and health research. These volunteers can be used in research looking at specific genes or as controls.
The NIHR BioResource works with researchers from both academia and industry. We have helped support over 300 studies resulting in over 330 publications.
How much does it cost?
Costs can be found on our costs page.
Who can apply?
Any researchers can apply, whether you are from industry, academia or a research institute.
How long does the process take?
The time depends on what you are requesting and when you request it. Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis and the committees decision is fed back within a week or two of the meeting. Samples are then usually shipped within 3-5 months. Recall studies can start as soon as approval is in place providing the required ethical approval and R&D approvals are in place.
What data do you have?
To find out more about what data we have please read the Apply for Data page.
How can I access samples?
To access samples please see the Apply for samples page.
What is recall?
Recall is when we contact our panel of volunteers to ask them whether they would be interested in taking part in a particular study, this usually involves providing fresh samples, answering questionnaires or taking part in a clinical trial.
Can you help with my application?
Yes, for help with your application please email us at

Our centres and programmes
Our cohorts cover these main areas: Common Diseases, Rare Diseases and Healthy Populations. Due to the specialist work needed to support COVID research we have a special section for that too.

Our support for you
Are you interested in obtaining NIHR BioResource support for your study? If so, we can assist with the recruitment of volunteers for research studies and we can offer a full study facilitation service.
How we help
participants have joined us to help uncover the causes of disease
research publications since 2009 supported by the BioResource and our participants
samples that help researchers in their work to tackle disease
Studies and Publications using the BioResource
We have supported hundreds of studies which have led to significant scientific publications:

NIHR BioResource for ill children
The study shows genetic conditions are frequent in intensively ill children. DNA sequencing might be a first-line diagnostic tool for some intensively ill children. Recruiting families to the Rare Disease BioResource might help with care for patients and their families.

Genomes and coronavirus
The NIHR BioResource is partnering with GenOMICC and Genomics England and others to study the genetic code of thousands of patients severely ill with coronavirus. The work will indicate whether a person’s genetics may influence their susceptibility to the virus.
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Information on the effects of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD); why further advances are required in the understanding, diagnosis, staging and treatment of this condition and why NAFLD BioResource is one step towards achieving this goal.
Get in touch
We welcome enquiries:
You can call us on 0800 090 22 33 or email us at
Our 18 centres across England welcome enquiries
Interested in working with us? See our careers page