Investigating the Effects of the medication Atomoxetine on Brain and Behaviour

Study code

Lead researcher
Professor Karen Ersche

Study type
Participant re-contact

Institution or company
University of Cambridge

Researcher type

Speciality area
Neurological Disorders

Recruitment Site


Some medications are able to temporarily alter the levels of brain chemicals such as noradrenaline, and this can be useful in regulating behaviour.

This study is exploring the short term effects of taking a dose of a medication called atomoxetine in healthy and stimulant-dependent individuals. By looking at these effects, we hope to better understand how this medication may help regulate attention and behaviour.


Participation: For this study we recruited 38 volunteers from the Cambridge BioResource to attend three appointments. Volunteers were given a dose of either Atomoxetine or a placebo, they provided a urine sample, completed questionnaires, had an MRI scan and completed computerised tasks. Study visits took place at Addenbrooke's Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility. 

Organisation: This study is organised by Dr Karen Ersche at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge.