The ARU Chelmsford Science Festival was packed full of brilliant activities for children to learn from and get involved in. D-CYPHR attended the weekend event to raise awareness of the programme and had a stall set up in the School of Medicine, next to the Cambridge Science Centre.
Young and Parent Ambassadors, Michaela, Mercy, Diyora and Zumrad joined us for the second day of the science festival. They put their knowledge of D-CYPHR into action and helped children and young people with our activities. George and Phillipa from the Anna Freud participation team also came along to speak to families about D-CYPHR and answered any burning questions that families had.
Michaela, Young Ambassador said:
"I'm helping young children do activities here, helping them feel engaged, as well as learning about DNA and about D-CYPHR"

Over the weekend, it was great to have parents come to the stand to excitedly tell us they had seen D-CYPHR on social media and had already joined. We also had some inspiring conversations with parents who opened up to us about health stories that had affected people around them.
The D-CYPHR team loved seeing so many children get stuck into our hands on activities, which were all based around DNA and genetics. Many young people wanted to join in with fingerprint painting, build their own DNA chatterbox and make a DNA helix out of pipe cleaners. The fun didn't only happen indoors, there was a gigantic dinosaur roaming around the campus which children loved to see.

Take part and make a difference
D-CYPHR (The DNA, Children + Young People’s Health Resource) needs volunteers with and without health conditions to better understand childhood health.
We support health research for ages 0-15 in the UK, by pioneering new treatments and creating better care for children and the adults they will become.
We have a range of focus groups including: diabetes, mental health conditions, heart disease, rare disease, immune conditions and many more.
If you want to help benefit the future generations of children, take a look at our website to find out more.