Oversight Board
Patient Representative

Rare Diseases Lead
NIHR BioResource Birmingham BRC and CRF

Chief Investigator & Co-Chair
NIHR BioResource

King's College London

Chief Scientific Officer
Genomics England

Director of Research and Clinical Trials
NHS Digital

NIHR BioResource

Patient Representative

Head of External Relations

NHS England

Director of Research
Genetic Alliance UK

University of Birmingham

Kate Jones
Director of Research Delivery | CRN National Coordinating Centre (CRNCC)

NIHR BioResource

University of Glasgow
Head of Population Health Sciences at the MRC
Medical Research Council

Health Data Research (HDR) UK

Associate Medical Director

Hannah Stark
NIHR BioResource – Operations Lead
Nikki Adams
Patient Representative
Nikki Adams is a Patient Representative of the NIHR BioResource.

Prof. Timothy Barrett
Rare Diseases Lead
NIHR BioResource Birmingham BRC and CRF
Professor Timothy Barrett is the Rare Diseases Lead at the NIHR BioResource Birmingham BRC and CRF.

Prof. John Bradley
Chief Investigator & Co-Chair
NIHR BioResource
Prof. John Bradley CBE is Chief Investigator and Co-Chair of the NIHR BioResource. John is also a Consultant Physician at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Professor of Experimental Medicine at the University of Cambridge, and Director of Research for Cambridge University Hospitals and Cambridge University Health Partners.

Prof. Gerome Breen
King's College London
Prof. Gerome Breen is a Professor of Psychiatric Genetics at the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London. He also leads the Mental Health BioResource and the NIHR Maudsley BioResource centre.

Prof. Matthew Brown
Chief Scientific Officer
Genomics England
Professor Matthew Brown is Chief Scientific Officer at Genomics England.

Michael Chapman
Director of Research and Clinical Trials
NHS Digital
Michael Chapman is Director of Research and Clinical Trials at NHS Digital.

Prof. Patrick Chinnery
NIHR BioResource
Prof. Patrick Chinnery is Chief Investigator and Co-Chair of the NIHR BioResource. Patrick is also the Clinical Director of the Medical Research Council, Professor of Neurology, Head of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge and clinical neurologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

Rosanna Fennessy
Patient Representative
Rosanna is a Patient Representative of the NIHR BioResource and is also a member of our National Participant Advisory Group (NPAG), Steering Committee, and the Patient & Public Review Group (PPRG) for the IBD BioResource and Gut Reaction Health Data Research Hub.

Dr. Matthew Hallsworth
Head of External Relations
Dr. Matthew Hallsworth is Head of External Relations at the NIHR Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure (NOCRI).

Prof. Dame Sue Hill
NHS England
Prof. Dame Sue Hill is Chief Scientific Officer for NHS England and Senior Responsible Officer for Genomics at NHS England.

Amy Hunter
Director of Research
Genetic Alliance UK
Amy Hunter is Director of Research at Genetic Alliance UK.

Prof. Jan Idkowiak
University of Birmingham
Prof. Jan Idkowiak is an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Endocrinology, based at the IMSR and at the Department of Endocrinology at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Dr. Nathalie Kingston
NIHR BioResource
Dr. Nathalie is the Director of the NIHR BioResource. She has a PhD in Immunology from the University of Strathclyde and subsequently joined the University of Cambridge to carry out research in autoimmune and infectious diseases. She then worked at the Wellcome Sanger Institute as the Director’s Executive Assistant, before joining the BioResource in 2013.

Prof. Iain McInnes (Chair)
University of Glasgow
Prof. Iain McInnes - Chair of the NIHR BioResource Oversight Board - is a Professor of Rheumatology and Medicine at the University of Glasgow.
Dr. Joe McNamara
Head of Population Health Sciences at the MRC
Medical Research Council

Prof. Andrew Morris
Health Data Research (HDR) UK
Prof. Andrew Morris is the Director of Health Data Research UK. He is seconded from his position as Professor of Medicine, and Vice Principal of Data Science at the University of Edinburgh, having taken up position in August 2014. Prior to this Andrew was Dean of Medicine at the University of Dundee.

Prof. David Roberts
Associate Medical Director
Professor David Roberts is Associate Medical Director at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT).