The BioResource Leadership Team

Chief Investigator & Co-Chair



Helena Ahlfors
Head of Research Data and Technology

Governance & Ethics Manager

Business Manager

Operations Lead

Head of Samples

Prof. John Bradley
Chief Investigator & Co-Chair
Professor John Bradley CBE is Chief Investigator & Co-Chair of the NIHR BioResource.
He is a Consultant Physician at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Professor of Experimental Medicine at the University of Cambridge, and Director of Research for Cambridge University Hospitals and Cambridge University Health Partners.

Prof. Patrick Chinnery
Professor Patrick Chinnery is Co-Chair of the NIHR BioResource and is Clinical Director of the Medical Research Council, Professor of Neurology, Head of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge and clinical neurologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.
He is a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow with his research lab based in the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit. He is known for his expertise in rare inherited diseases that affect the nervous system.

Dr. Nathalie Kingston
Dr. Nathalie Kingston manages a multi-skilled team leading on the recruitment and recall of volunteers, the collection and storage of biological samples, clinical and genomic data, as well as the IT infrastructure underpinning all BioResource operations.
Nathalie has a PhD in Immunology from the University of Strathclyde and subsequently joined the University of Cambridge to carry out research in autoimmune and infectious diseases. She then worked at the Wellcome Sanger Institute as the Director’s Executive Assistant, before joining the BioResource in 2013.

Rose Eichenberger
Governance & Ethics Manager
Rose Eichenberger leads the Governance and Ethics team, which is responsible for governance and ethics across all the NIHR BioResource programmes. The team reviews all study documents, submits protocol amendments when needed and manages the communication with the research sponsor(s) and ethics committees. The team also manages the development of relevant policies and procedures.
Prior to joining, Rose held various research management and governance roles within the University of Cambridge and in the NHS.

Nigel Seaber
Business Manager
Nigel Seaber manages the Human Resources, Finance, Procurement & Contracts, Facilities Management and Communications departments at the NIHR BioResource.
Prior to moving to the not-for-profit sector several years ago, he worked for Business Software Solution companies in a variety of operational management roles, from software development to customer service and relations.

Hannah Stark
Operations Lead
Hannah Stark leads the Operations team, which is responsible for the coordination of recruitment across all NIHR BioResource programmes. The team support recruitment sites and BioResource Centres recruiting into the BioResource and answers questions from members of the public and volunteers. The team also supports academic and industry researchers in inviting BioResource volunteers to their studies and ensuring they run to time and target.

Dr. Kathy Stirrups
Head of Samples
Dr Kathy Stirrups leads the Samples team, which is responsible for the bio-banking of samples from new participants for future research studies and the extraction and quality control of DNA before generation of genetic data. She also oversees the feasibility and then provision of samples to research groups according to the project specification and manages bespoke projects such as whole genome (WGS) or RNA sequencing to assess the translation of these techniques into health systems.
Kathy has held a number of academic and small biotech roles specialising in assays and bio-banking of DNA, RNA, proteins and biological samples. Her PhD is in Molecular Virology from the University of Reading.
The BioResource Team
John Allison
Samples Data Analyst
Matthew Badura
Study Coordinator
Rare Diseases BioResource
Stephane Ballereau
Lead Bioinformatician
Frances Barton
Study Coordinator
Carolyn Brechin
Data Linkage Specialist
Senior Business Administrator
Alex Capes
Samples Data Analyst
Alicia Catling
Communications Coordinator
Christine Chan
Governance Coordinator
Governance & Ethics
Debbie Clapham-Riley
Ethics Manager
Governance & Ethics
Laura Cocking
Data Team Manager
Stephen Davison
Aly Dunbar
Systems Developer
Nicolas Dupin
IT Service Owner
Ethan Durkin
Research Lab Technician
Rare Diseases BioResource
Rachel Foley
Study Coordinator
Grace Forsythe
Research Lab Technician
Millie Fuller
Communications Coordinator
Anita Furlong
Research Nurse
Esther Furlong
Research Nurse
Louise Gao
Temp Administrative Assistant
Rare Diseases BioResource
Josh Gillespie
Research Lab Technician
Barbara Graves
Lead Research Nurse
Jennifer Gray
Senior Study Coordinator
Governance & Ethics
Joanna Griffin
Data Manager
Alex Gwillim
Data Manager
Emma Hales
Study Coordinator
Rare Diseases BioResource
Sabine Hein
Senior Study Coordinator
Volunteer Recall
Vicky Hills
Volunteer Recruitment Manager
Rare Diseases BioResource
Louise Holt
Contracts Manager
Gillian Ison
Research Support Assistant
Tasmin Ivers
Senior Study Coordinator
Common Diseases
Sara Joeghan
Governance & Ethics Coordinator
Carola Kanz
Clinical Informatician
Laura Keylock
Research Coordinator
IBD BioResource
Hannah Knight
Clinical Feedback Lead
Emma Le Gresley
Research Nurse
Hyunah Lee
Genetic Analyst
Jacinta Lee
Project Manager
Andrew Leedham
IT Manager
Rachel Linger
Senior Study Coordinator
Volunteer Recall
Silvia Lo
IT Service Manager
Lydia Lyratzopoulos
Admin Assistant
Common Diseases
Ross Macdonald
Communications Coordinator
Jordan Mack
Temporary Finance Assistant
Nicola Maclean
Senior Data Manager
Bhaskar Mahendarakar
Senior Programme Manager
Ronald Martey
Information Security & Compliance Manager
Perceval Maturure
InfoSec Manager
Sarah Meloy
Research Nurse
Annalisa Milano
Senior Study Coordinator
Volunteer Recall
Katie Mills
Research Volunteer Recruitment Manager
Surena Momi
Administrative Assistant
Volunteer Recruitment
Lizzie Mordey
Senior Study Coordinator
Natasha Morgan
Project Manager
Rare Diseases BioResource
Alexei Moulton
Senior IT Infrastructure Lead
Fran Muldoon
Senior Study Coordinator
Common Diseases
Alex Newbrook
Temporary Admin Assistant
Reshma Nibhani
Genetic Analyst
Lilian Nwosu
Project Manager
Rare Disease RNA Phenotyping Project
Nigel Ovington
Sample Informatics Lead
Alimat Oyawoye
Research Lab Technician
Rare Diseases BioResource
Serhan Ozdag
IT Technician
Sonia Pascoal
Research Laboratory Manager
Rare Diseases BioResource
Laetitia Pele
Research Coordinator
IBD BioResource
Heather Ramsay
Strategic Development & Enterprise Lead
Venkatesh Ranganath
Samples Data Analyst
Maya Raphael
PPIE Senior Coordinator
Shayna Rodriguez
PPIE Senior Coordinator
Marc Rossello
Data Scientist Study Support
Kalpita Sakharkar
Study Coordinator
Volunteer Recall
Ben Sandham
Samples Coordinator
Daniel Sargent
Business Administrator
Ingrid Scholtes
Research Nurse
Naima Siddiqui
Admin Assistant
Rare Diseases BioResource
Rachel Simpkins
Study Coordinator
IBD BioResource
Kimberley St John-Green
Senior Data Manager
Kathryn Stevenson
Lab Technician
Sophie Stock
Finance Coordinator
Simon Suddaby
Genomics Bioinformatician
Ellie Terry
Temp Purchasing Assistant
Paul Townsend
Clinical Data Specialist
Paul Treadaway
Programme Developer
Ugur Tuna
Data Scientist
Natalie Valle Guzman
Senior Study Coordinator
Rare Diseases BioResource
B Varner
Senior Data Manager
James Walpole
Study Coordinator
Kelly Walsh
PA to Director
Tom Warburton
Business Data Analyst
Sophie Warden
Senior Data Manager
Jen Webster
Senior Enrolment Coordinator
Volunteer Recruitment
Hannah Williams
Research Studies Recall Manager
Eric Wong
Cloud Systems Administrator - Amazon Web Services
Edmond Wood
Communications Manager
Umran Yaman
Genomics Bioinformatician
Anna Yaroshenko
Administrative Assistant
Rare Diseases BioResource
Chloe Caley-Light
Senior Business Administrator